The Elon Muck Report
DareToBe - 3 hours ago
Stop spoiling TM's excuses Djack.
 55 M
Djack7-18 - 3 hours ago
This is the earliest we've ever had a CAT 5. Ocean temps are breaking records. Bet this hurricane season is brutal.
House-Money - 3 hours ago
Poo poo the word is the Supreme Court lost you everything public opinion has turned on ya. I think the tape of each and everyone of them saying no President is above the law and this decision has you in a anti American box you can't escape
Djack7-18 - 3 hours ago
I'm 240 miles off the coast, so Hurricanes don't bother me. I'm still close enough to profit off the destruction, tho.
House-Money - 3 hours ago
The court is broken thr public has lost all faith in their decisions the judge in DC is about to show you
Im-TIGER - 1 hour ago
super-eddie - 1 hour ago
I am unfamiliar with this wind djack mentioned. They said nothing about it on the news report. I wonder why ?
 67 M
super-eddie - 58 minutes ago
I think the lad being from up North just don't know hurricanes like us boys from down in the south that have experienced them our whole life
 67 M
Daretobdiferent - 47 minutes ago
On the previous page you were using as an excuse. You forget already? 🤣
 55 M
super-eddie - 2 minutes ago
Dare you keep accusing me of not remembering. Even Stalin knows better than that. But you just keep thinking that. I will own you
 67 M

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