People are angry.
PDG-1619 - 19 hours ago
Trump will spend the rest of his life behind bars and it won't be losing a election that sends him there it will be his illegal acts
Seventy-Three - 19 hours ago
He'll still be the president, though. Even behind bars. First inmate
 45 M
SICK-WITTED - 19 hours ago
It's kinda true that if he does win, he will be your president from behind bars PDG 🫵🤣
 54 M
PDG-1619 - 11 hours ago
Trumps candidate just got slapped
PDG-1619 - 11 hours ago
Just the other day bigots everywhere was talking about flipping New Jersey and the Trump back candidate lost by 25 lol
PDG-1619 - 11 hours ago
Polling had the dummy winning. I have told you bigots a poll is not a fn vote. Trump will lose to Biden by 10 fn points at a minimum.
Willy-is-great - 10 hours ago
Just keep repeating yourself, dummy. One day you say you believe in the polls & the next day you do not believe in the polls. I said it once and I'll say it again....YOU'RE A MENTAL MIDGET.
Willy-is-great - 10 hours ago
Just keep repeating yourself, dummy. One day you say you believe in the polls & the next day you do not believe in the polls. I said it once and I'll say it again....YOU'RE A MENTAL MIDGET.
Willy-is-great - 10 hours ago
Just keep repeating yourself, dummy. One day you say you believe in the polls & the next day you do not believe in the polls. I said it once and I'll say it again....YOU'RE A MENTAL MIDGET.
PDG-1619 - 5 minutes ago
The polls are bought by big business dumb az. They pay ppl to say most ppl don't go to jail for this crime. They pay ppl to comfort white ppl example they never mention 500 billion in fraud as a crime they say it is a civil case. Fleecing white ppl of their mind and their funds is a fn grift on America and every brainwashed bigot knows it and still supports him

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