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Huevomonstrosity - 2 days ago
When two potential suitors for the same woman 🐓Block each other, should they take it outside and 🐓Fight each other?
DTBD - 2 days ago
 55 M
Jewish4eva2024xx - 2 days ago
Heyitsme45 - 2 days ago
Outside and overseas
 56 F
Southeastdc - 2 days ago
Chances are she/he isn’t worth fighting over🤷🏾‍♂️. Women are a dime a dozen.
 54 M
DTBD - 2 days ago
She/he? Lol
 55 M
DTBD - 2 days ago
Obviously never had a fine woman😉
 55 M
Mexicana666 - 2 days ago
🐓 blockers🤣
 40 F
Seventy-Three - 2 days ago
Maybe she'll let them share, just saying. I mean, just because two guys have the same idea doesn't mean they should fight. Besides, at the end of the night, after she leaves with the other hot chick, the two guys might share a story over a drink, but, who knows, maybe fiting is part of the initiative
 45 M
Mexicana666 - 2 days ago
Maybe she's really batting for the same team.😲
 40 F
Seventy-Three - 2 days ago
That's what I mean, she leaves with the other girl 🤣
 45 M

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