People are angry.
House-Money - 1 hour ago
Take Dumb az Clarence Thomas who hated affirmative action and didn't hate the racist who called him America blackist colored person lol they chanted at justice Thomas at night asking him to smile so they see him. The hatred they showed this losee ruined him
House-Money - 1 hour ago
He had a 10 cent stamp on his degree lol he didn't want to acknowledge the country was racist because blk ppl called his dumb az names to
House-Money - 1 hour ago
Ppl who live the lie everything is fair are supporting Donald Trump. He said he is pushing white grievance because they really want to come after you. It is the white lie to create phoney outrage in white ppl
House-Money - 1 hour ago
Now run your phoney anything thinking az back to the drawing board
House-Money - 1 hour ago
The only mess in America is the thought running through your wrong way thinking mind.
House-Money - 1 hour ago
Did anyone hear Mike Johnson statement? Thus bigot wants the Supreme court to overturn a conviction. He wants a audio confession thrown out. Republicans in Georgia wants a audio confession thrown out and Fanni removed from the case. Brainwashed bigots openly contemplating creating a law where no President has to answer for a state crime
House-Money - 1 hour ago
This all proves Republicans are the confederacy they push white supremacy they want you to ignore the rule of law for a brainwashed bigot
House-Money - 1 hour ago
And there are some white ppl who agree. They actually say things like being convicted makes it more likely I will vote for him. No sane American votes for a felon. That statement shows America just how radicalized bigots are
SICK-WITTED - 8 minutes ago
Lmao @ "graping 🍇 kids for 20 years" and equating that to a trumped up charge of 34 felonies from one misdemeanor 🫵🤪👈 you the only one who would think that those 2 things are equal in the eyes of the law... which would explain your constant anger and TDS
 54 M
SICK-WITTED - 7 minutes ago
Ty for showing everyone your soft and squishy middle
 54 M

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