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So who is RH really
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
I agree with you Eva. I'm not going to defend rh anymore, he doesn't want peace he just wants drama so he gets it. If he were a true Christian he'd strive for peace and turn the other cheek, but he keeps it going, so I've had it.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
And the word you were looking for was adieu, French for goodbye. Ado means idk make a fuss or a lot of noise. I assume you meant goodbye. Anyhoo I hope that you are feeling better today and that you have a lovely weekend.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
It's Terry btw, in case you were wondering.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
If only RH's
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
My mistake, I misread what you said. I thought you meant all this could have been avoided, meaning if RH just pulled his head in and stop being a
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago
That's what I was agreeing with you about, and it's true, he could have just leave it be but nope, he just couldn't help himself, but ah well, too bad too sad. You made your bed now sleep in it
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - 2 days ago

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