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Burgerian Imperative part 3
Righteousdome - 2023-03-19
Who is big pump ? jil ?
DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
Mil-dred quickly walks over and helps the SHIELD commander back to his feet. "Oh I told you not to anger him, sir. Benny has quite the temper." says Mil-dred looking nervously at the 2 large Burgerian twin brothers. "I'd like to see that big pile of dog poo try that on Domey." says Nick Fury glaring back the evil Burgerian twins. 😳
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DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
Looking at the surrounding cages where his teammates are being held individually, Nick Fury slowly begins to realize that the situation is getting impossible to beat. "You're our only hope, Domey. I hope you're ok wherever you are in this (bleep) hole. We're all counting on you, kiddo." says Nick Fury to himself. 😳
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DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
"Missy, you think you can break these bars or something??" says Nick Fury to the powerhouse red head. "No can do, Nick. Benedrylus' goons put a power dampening device on me. I'm too weak to even move. I'm sorry, sir." replies Missy sadly from her cage. 😔
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DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
"Those worthless booloks will pay for this!!" yells Baconia as she also struggles with her power dampening device as well. Hambone tries to comfort his sister from across his holding cell. "I can't use my fire breath, brother!! I feel so useless!!" says Baconia angrily. 😳
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DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
"Do not worry, my dear sister. We still have Domewoman, Captain Marvel and a few more powerhouses throughout this place. Only a matter of time before they come to our rescue. Have patience. Those 2 (bleep) heads are going to get what they deserve." says Hambone staring down at his empty weapons holsters. 😳
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DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
Nick Fury chuckles at hearing the Burgerian former criminal use one of his favorite curse words. "Atta boy, Hambone. That's exactly what's gonna happen, son." replies the SHIELD commander with a smile. 😏
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DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
I've always pictured Hambone as a Han Solo type. 🤘😎🤘
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DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
Seeing the interaction going on, Zirtek quickly walks over and strikes Hambone across the face. The Burgerian former criminal falls backwards. "Your foolish acts of bravado are laughable." says Zirtek with an evil grin. Hambone slowly looks up as blood trickles down the side of his mouth. 😳
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DomesReturn - 2023-03-20
"Oh yeah?? Well you hit like a little blootch." replies Hambone while laughing weakly. Zirtek glares angrily at him and walks away. Looking over at his sister, he gives her a devilish wink. 🤘😎🤘
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