The Elon Muck Report
Biden2024Harris - 2 hours ago
Biden2024Harris - 2 hours ago
snail5000 - 1 hour ago
Idiot spambrain
Djack7-12 - 1 hour ago
Isn't foaming at the mouth a sign of rabies?
Djack7-12 - 1 hour ago
I think Trump is rabid, Eddie. We may have to put him down.
Davidpeterson21 - 46 minutes ago
Trump is steady going I had in all the polls just think it's the disgusting Democrats didn't do their usual fraud and fake everything fake charges fake indictments fake everything Democrats make me sick. And Democrat Jack supports them to the end
Djack7-12 - 31 minutes ago
Wtf you babbling about, Daviepoo?
Djack7-12 - 27 minutes ago
There's nothing fake. It's all real. He was indicted by a real grand jury, went to trial in a real courtroom, and got convicted by a real jury. Insisting it was fake is ludicrous.
Djack7-12 - 25 minutes ago
Fake would be more along the lines of Rudy's Ukraine dossier.
Davidpeterson21 - 17 minutes ago
You take a misdemeanor change it to a felony because the statute of limitations had already run out then when you find out that's not going to work you change it to campaign funding which is federal has nothing to do with state the most biased liberal hack partisan judge you can whose wife worked for Leticia James and was against Trump then his daughter is a lobbyist for the Democrats have the person who was over your legal things in the White House all of a sudden take a job with the DA

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