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Why do some ppl videotape
Cel6 - 7 days ago
Yeah I don't get that kind of thing neither Jill someone purposely recording a beatdown just so they can get views online somewhere that's absolutely crazy.
 48 M
Liisaqt - 6 days ago
I've been video taped
 34 F
JilllovesCarter - 6 days ago
Doing what in the bedroom?
JilllovesCarter - 6 days ago
Doing what? Not in the bedroom I meant to say
DareToBe - 6 days ago
 55 M
Jewish4eva2024xx - 6 days ago
Probably for proof of the assault. I imagine some would be selling it to media.
Jewish4eva2024xx - 6 days ago
Jill! Stop! This is not a stupid thread. We need a variety of topics here. U contribute to this forum.
Jewish4eva2024xx - 6 days ago
Keep being u, Jill
Jewish4eva2024xx - 6 days ago
I surely hope someone would call the police. Kids r stupid
Samuel375 - 6 days ago
videotape?? what year u livin in
 43 M

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