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Observe Juneteenth
righteoushomei - 2024-06-19
Word! But please never forget to this very day on any given day there are over 400 thousand people living in slavery in the Congo where it's been this way for many decades without objection from the same who juneteenth is celebrated by here in the usa !
righteoushomei - 2024-06-19
Hard to believe but America before the Civil War had 4 million slaves ...Today in all of Africa its estimated to be over 7 million living in modern day slavery ...
Seventy-Three - 2024-06-19
I have to agree with this fact, it is a real problem. China and Western countries (particularly the United States, Belgium, and France) are also implicated in the exploitation of Congo's resources: besides creating the conditions for its instability, they have also, as Amnesty International reports, failed to ensure that they are respecting international human rights
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Seventy-Three - 2024-06-19
But then I propose the question, who will give up their lives of convenience to make a difference, and, would it make a difference, or would the congo government allow someone else to exploit their resources, thus exploiting themselves.
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Seventy-Three - 2024-06-19
Also, how would you ensure the change actually brings a positive to their society when the economical impact of beginning payed labor which they don't have resources to cover, and the adjustment to the cultural norm.
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Seventy-Three - 2024-06-19
I didn't think slavery will end worldwide, ever, but you never know 🤷
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Crazycenobite - 7 days ago
and then
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snail5000 - 7 days ago
I see the POS TM has made another topic
DomesReturn - 7 days ago
😆🤣 @ Snail!!
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DomesReturn - 7 days ago
If you only knew who's behind that pro, Snail. 😉
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snail5000 - 7 days ago
If I did know I would blast it all over the forums

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