The Elon Muck Report
DareToBe - 2 hours ago
And for those that aren't really living in reality the National guard falls under military. You know who is the supreme commander and chief of the military is? Anyone? Smh
 55 M
DareToBe - 2 hours ago
Fact is he sat and watched it unfold out of pettiness. You can claim democratic coverup but the fact, fact, is Trump had right of way, and did nothing. Trump is herding you into a corral. Get rid of Biden, get some reality over Trump happily telling you lie after lue and get someone in there that is about the people. What an absolute joke to the world. Greatest country on earth? Have a look at media with other countries laughing but worried because really your government has completely lost it.
 55 M
DareToBe - 1 hour ago
And for those that want to have a go about me being a foreigner and no clue, my son has lived there since 2017. He is involved in an industry that finds him in contact with many. He's told me that there is absolute disarray there and it's constant unknown. He has said repeatedly it seems like there's no direction and it's like a really bad soap opera.
 55 M
DareToBe - 1 hour ago
Like really the president commits a crime and trumpets rejoice because he can excuse himself and make it disappear. Remember one day that's going to be a democrat doing it and it won't be so groovy will it. What a glass half empty, half full outlook on it. Smh.
 55 M
super-eddie - 1 hour ago
One more Trump because of a law called separation of power. We have 3 branches in our government. Congress and the Senate are separate from the president he has no power over them. The Capitol is theirs like the White House is the president's. Trump can not order the national guard there unless Pelosi lets him. She is the head of security thére. You two foreigners don't know how our government works you make that plain to see.
 67 M
super-eddie - 1 hour ago
Groovy what is this the 70s. Or have you been watching the Brady bunch
 67 M
DareToBe - 1 hour ago
Lol you haven't a clue. Here's what your president stands for. He's the head of state and head of government. You heard of article 11 of the constitution the president is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by congress. Go sit down TM you're talking out your as. Again.
 55 M
Stalin21 - 43 minutes ago
You don't even know what the separation of powers even means. Silly old man
Stalin21 - 40 minutes ago
And the president can federalise the National Guard in an instant, thereby becoming their commander in chief. Poor old man, your ignorance is without end
Daretobdiferent - 19 minutes ago
Lol not bad for a couple of foreigners 😉
 55 M

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