The Elon Muck Report
Tower7-G - 20 minutes ago
Eddie if a brainwashed bigot would be a earner he wouldn't be saying immigrants are taking their job
Tower7-G - 17 minutes ago
If you had a working mind you would know the only reason Trump consistently wins with you ppl on the border is you know and he know it is the easiest way to be a racist.and hide behind you want your country safe.
Tower7-G - 17 minutes ago
Tower7-G - 16 minutes ago
Now go continue your shipment of ppl to every city in the union and live up to being that confederate bigot who plays completely stupid
Tower7-G - 15 minutes ago
Now go continue your shipment of ppl to every city in the union and live up to being that confederate bigot who plays completely stupid
Tower7-G - 14 minutes ago
You notice the media just stop talking about abbot and DeSantis shipping immigrants to cities
Tower7-G - 14 minutes ago
They got phone calls from Lenard saying if you report that you're fired
sharon0336 - 6 minutes ago
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.. God bless you today 🙏
 29 F
Tower7-G - 3 minutes ago
Eddie Putin got mad this morning. He found out they are taking the frozen assets of Russia and giving to Ukraine. 60 billion
Tower7-G - 1 minutes ago
They are bombing inside Russia if the ppl get pissed about their men dying with and the Rubble is the cause they will kill him

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