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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2024-06-23
And I didn't pay in a whole lot in social security. See living back in my day doing houses they didn't hold out income txx
 67 M
silly-willy - 2024-06-23
That mental midget just contradicted himself on everything he has ever said about white people. lol, a true mental midget for sure 👍
supereddie - 2024-06-23
Fact is most jobs out in the country don't hold txxs
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-06-23
Right now democrats are registering illegals to vote. I knew they would cheat. They got to keep power or they lose millions. They can't make on the salary they get for their government jobs and live like millionaires
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-06-23
Charlie your ripping yourself off voting democrat
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-06-23
The younger black know this that's why they are voting for Trump
 67 M
Mexicana666 - 2024-06-23
 40 F
Mexicana666 - 2024-06-23
Snail can have you.
 40 F
House-Money - 2024-06-23
Eddie why is Trump bots renting black spaces saying it is a meeting of black ppl and only 3 blk ppl show up everyone else is that paid right wing bigot you see at every Trump rally. I know each blk member they place out front each and every time
Daretobdifferent - 2024-06-23
Lol Trump caught out lying again in Philly. Crime up 135% since he left office he claims. Blame the immigrants he says. Lol actually crime is at its lowest in ten years currently in Philly. And the Trump fear train rolls on. It's Bush all over again.
 55 M

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