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The Elon Muck Report
ugothurt - 2024-04-27
Watching two complete dunces competing to see who can out-dunce the other dunce.
House-Money - 2024-04-27
Just like the VP was a job for a man until VP Harris showed you a female can do the job
ugothurt - 2024-04-27
What about VP Clinton, dummy?
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-27
Well if she can lay down some backyard patio stones, she can build a pyramid. She can do it all.
House-Money - 2024-04-27
So you lose on the issue lol get shown the door now the woman who layed brick is al of a sudden way to masculine go to hell loser
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-27
I have no issues at all with her gender identity. We just wondering why you'd be attracted to such a masculine woman? Does she protect you?
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-27
Does she make you feel safe?
Djack7-18 - 2024-04-27
And don't worry, we ain't calling you gay. It doesn't matter if she identifies as a dude. Long as she still got her lady parts, it's not gay to tap that.
House-Money - 2024-04-27
That's why the first word is bigot and thr last word is bigot. All you do is bash. Your entire world view is own the Libs. The only problem is why you are trying to own the Libs you inadvertently point out you are brainwashed bigots
House-Money - 2024-04-27
It's like the Supreme court pretending Trump has immunity.

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