Views: 75297
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F seeking M, In a relationship
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All I saw was gets all wet and I was like wait what 😯😊 😳 - Yesterday
Gets all wet and waves her head like a herbal essence commercial.. - Yesterday
Uh oh. -Tosses a few water balloons at her. - Yesterday
(I’ll pop back on dark in a min babe) - Yesterday
That actually sounds like fun. We should plan to do that - Yesterday
No one will like my decision.. remember it's rp I'm here to enjoy myself not deal with bs 💚 okay ranting over !! - Yesterday
All I ask is the disrespect leave my profile issue be fought amongst each other less pertains to me plz .. got nothing but love for everyone and I'm not choosing sides less u force me n then c) - Yesterday
*bending knees as she lowered her form, arms moved to lace around his form as he ran towards her, pulling him into her embrace she placed a soft kiss upon his crown* I love you too - Yesterday
“Shane would then turn to Jade running up to her kissing her on the cheek, smelling his nana scent Shane turned and ran towards the shadows hugging his nana” nana me wuv ju - Yesterday
Killed kids… but Mes bet y’all never stepped ic with a kid like Mes, me no run to nobody for help me do stuff on me pens - Yesterday
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