Sex: Male
Seeking: Female
Country: United States
Description: The male wolf was found by a lavender haired girl. He was only a pup by the time he was found. She fed him and gave him a home before he found his true calling. Technology.
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Height: 5' - 5' 6"
Body Type: Muscular
Smoking Habits: Don't smoke
Drinking Habits: Non-drinker
Education: Elementary
Job: Guard dog
Salary: 40k-60k
Religion: Agnostic
Politics: Member of a party
Interests he is a white artic wolf around 2 years old of age. He wears a black vest with mount attached to the back. He usually helps Luma with her assessments but also learned how to patrol.
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